We think of you fondly Sonie and are forever grateful for the happy times you enabled us to have in La Melonie.
Much love Jakki, Bob, James and Kayla
3rd March 2020
Sonia was a wonderful friend to me, especially when I first moved to SW London. We became great travel companions and film goers, always having a lot of fun on our trips. We shared a lot with each other, she listened always with compassion, understanding and love. I miss our closeness enormously. She was an exceptional woman, brimming with warmth and generosity. Jane
2nd March 2020
The Supervision Group has sent a donation to The Woodland Trust in Sonia's memory and with the memory of all the group sessions she was part of -- the work, the fun, the laughter, the heartache, the passion, the philosophy of life! All that we shared with her. What a wise counsel she was for us all in the group -- a group she organised all those years ago. Always "spot on" with her feedback. We had one last Christmas lunch with her in December to celebrate all that we meant to each other. What will we do without her in our meetings??
30th March 2016